22.04.18, 16:08

26 people arrested within criminal cases investigated in proceeding of RA Investigative Committee, 3 people detained

26 people arrested within criminal cases investigated in proceeding of RA Investigative Committee, 3 people detained

In the framework of the criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of central and territorial subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee 26 people were arrested on suspicion of violation of public order by expressing obvious disrespect against public, using violence against police officers related to performance of their service duties, destroying property. 3 more people were detained with charge of being directly involved in mass media.

Pursuant to data of the criminal cases received in the proceeding of territorial subdivisions of the Investigative Committee on April 20, 21 2018 a group of people obviously brutally violated the public order.  They inflicted serious disturbance to numerous residents of Yerevan by loud voices with the appropriate vehicle equipment and means for emitting voice signals for continuous time willfully violating obvious traffic rules by numerous cars, did not obey police officers’ legal demands to stop the mentioned criminal activities.

Besides, violence was used against the RA police officers performing their service duties.

20 people were arrested on suspicion of committing hooliganism, 5 – on suspicion of using violence against police officers, 1 person – on suspicion of willful destruction of property.

Through the criminal case investigated on mass disorders that took place on the evening of April 17 at the junction of Mashtots-Tumanyan Streets it was found out that on April 17, 2018 after the march in several streets of Yerevan a meeting was organized in Republic Square which then went on in “France’s” Square of Yerevan. Some participants, being indignant at RA police employees’ legal demand not to gather in “France’s” Square of Yerevan and not to disrupt the traffic, went to the junction of Mashtots-Tumanyan Streets at about 23:00 where they started mass disorder.

The participants of mass disorders, putting public security in danger, disrupted the normal course of traffic, destroyed and damaged the traffic lights, traffic signs, signboards, benches, billboards in the mentioned area with hands, feet, several items, created real danger for the life and health of passer-bies, hit three police service cars with stones, metal items which had arrived in the mentioned place to provide the public order and security.

Three people were charged with being involved in mass disorders and detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against them.

Two more criminal cases were initiated on hindrance of legal professional activities of journalists.

Preliminary investigation of the criminal cases in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee is ongoing, active necessary investigatory and other procedural actions are conducted to provide the comprehensive, objective and complete investigation.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.