29.02.16, 14:21

73 year-old woman’s murder in Gegharquniq; two persons detained

73 year-old woman’s murder in Gegharquniq; two persons detained

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in Vardenis Investigative Division of Gegharquniq Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee circumstances of death of the resident of the village of Geghamasar Sh. Gyulumyan, born in 1943, were found. In the result of investigatory actions it was found that the woman’s death had been caused by violence used against her, not by accident.

On February 23 a call was received informing that the resident of the village of Geghamasar Shushanik Gyulumyan (born in 1943) died in the result of falling off the roof. The investigatory-operative group together with experts immediately left for the site.

Through the inspection of the body damages were found on her head and neck; according to the death certificate N 17 Sh. Gyulumyan’s death was directly caused by mechanical asphyxia.

On the base of the materials prepared on 73 year-old woman’s death on February 26 a criminal case was initiated in Vardenis Investigative Division of Gegharquniq Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 1 of the Article 104 (murder) and the Article 117 (willful infliction of light damage) of RA Criminal Code.

In the result of investigatory actions conducted in the framework of the criminal case it was found that on that day at woman’s request two fellow villagers visited her to mend the cable of TV antenna.

The young men went up to the roof together with the woman but they could not mend it because of which the woman got angry causing a row.

According to preliminary investigation data one of the young men hit the woman on her head and back with a metal pipe, then the other young man suffocated her by pressing her neck.

On the base of the evidence obtained through preliminary investigation charge was pressed against two young men. The investigator submitted a motion to the court to use detention as a pretrial measure against them. The motion was sufficed.

Investigatory experimentation, as well as a number of urgent investigatory and procedural actions was conducted, samples were taken and forensic examinations were commissioned to find circumstances significant for the criminal case.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Necessary investigatory actions are conducted to provide the objective, comprehensive and complete investigation of the case.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.