13.01.15, 08:10

A criminal case initiated on Armenian pastor's murder committed by enemy

A criminal case initiated on Armenian pastor's murder committed by enemy

A criminal case was initiated in Noyemberyan Investigative Division of Tavush Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee on murder of the resident of the village of Voskevan of the region of Tavush, 80 year-old Seryozha Sargsyan committed by an organized group out of motives of race and religious fanatism.

On 11 January, 2015 at 19:20 a report was received informing that on the same day at about 17:30 at the area of the village of Baghanis of the region of Tavush situated on Armenian-Azeri state border the subdivisions of Azeri armed forces had carried out a diversion attempt.

The advance of the enemy subdivisions was prevented by the appropriate units of quick response of the Armenian army and the actions of the diversion group having violated the Armenian state border were neutralized.

In the result of the inspection of the area the body of the resident of the village of Voskevan of the region of Tavush, 80 year-old pastor Seryozha Sargsyan was found in the field called «Maneri canyon» with a firearm injury on the right temporal part of his head. Not far from the place where Seryozha Sargsyan's body was found the area being observed and shelled by the enemy starts.

A criminal case was initiated in Noyemberyan Investigative Division according to the Points 7, 13 of the Part 2 of the Article 104 and the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code.

Forensic examination of the body was appointed.

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case is under way.