08.10.14, 13:22

A criminal case initiated on murder attempt of the Armenian peasant committed from Azeri military positions

A criminal case initiated on murder attempt of the Armenian peasant committed from Azeri military positions

A criminal case was initiated in Tavush Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee on murder attempt of 25 year-old resident of Tavush out of national, race or religious motives committed by enemy.

On 2 October, 2014 at about 14:00 the 25 year-old resident of the village of Choratan of Tavush region was in the field called “Nerqin Shen” belonging to the village of Choratan in his personal car “ZIL-130” with registration plate “59 SL 042” in order to take sand to his house for its construction works. There shots were fired from Azeri military positions with the purpose of willful deprivation of life in the direction of the resident and his car causing firearm injuries to the car.

A criminal case was initiated pursuant to the Point 13 of the Part 2 of the Article 34-104 of RA Criminal Code.

Preliminary investigation is being carried out.

“ZIL-130” car has been inspected but inspection of the scene has not been carried out yet because the situation at the scene is dangerous for life.