27.02.19, 07:21

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan Left for Kotayk Province on Working Visit (photos)

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan Left for Kotayk Province on Working Visit (photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan left for Kotayk province on working visit to get acquainted with the work done in the previous year by the regional investigative department.

The Head of Kotayk Regional Investigative Department Mher Vardanyan reported about the work done by the regional investigative department in 2018.

1576 criminal cases were investigated in the proceeding of Kotayk Regional Investigative Department and its subdivisions in 2018 /as compared with 1235 in 2017/, the increase was by 341 criminal cases or 27.6%.

No murder case was recorded in 2018, 7 murder cases were recorded in 2017.

24 criminal cases on crimes committed by officials /25 persons / were investigated in 2018 as compared with 9 criminal cases in 2017.

RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan studied the process of criminal cases initiated in the regional investigative department sphere by sphere and gave instructions on its organization in a more efficient way, enhancement of quality of preliminary investigation, operative investigation, as well as correction of mistakes made by investigators during inspection of the scene.

IC Chairman mentioned that the subdivision head should hold periodical consultations in the investigative department with the staff of its subdivisions to improve the theoretical knowledge of staff, the process of investigation of criminal cases, as well as to give quick solutions to problems.

“Certification of investigators to be held in spring is also directed to improvement of knowledge. There will be no compromise for the person who has not knowledge of a proper level”, said Hayk Grigoryan and appealed to improve professional knowledge daily.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan referred to citizens’ reception, as well mentioning that proper reception should be organized for all those citizens who ask for it.

“In the face of you the citizen sees the state and each incorrect behavior of yours is identified with the system and the state. We are the servant of the people and we are obliged to provide our service on a high level”, emphasized IC Chairman.

Hayk Grigoryan gave an excellent mark to the work done by Kotayk Regional Investigative Department and instructed the department head to present those who have best indices during the service for encouragement.