International cooperation
25.01.19, 12:21

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan Received Delegation of U.S. Embassy in Armenia

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan Received Delegation of U.S. Embassy in Armenia

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan received today the delegation headed by Program Director of U.S. Embassy’s Office of Defense Cooperation in Armenia Stephen Chue.

H. Grigoryan assessed highly the cooperation established with the U.S. Embassy, the support provided to the Investigative Committee since it its establishment due to which a number of successful projects meant to develop the capacities of the Investigative Committee were implemented in the past years. Particularly, with the support of U.S. Embassy’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Program digitalization program of criminal cases was introduced, electronic library, electronic investigation system were developed, several trainings, seminars for development of professional skills of IC employees were organized.

The parties attached importance to necessity to go on with the cooperation. Stephen Chue stated that the IC Chairman’s upcoming visit to the United States of America and participation in Seminar titled “The New World Order Challenges and Opportunities” might significantly contribute to cooperation development, experience exchange, as well as outline new directions.

The Seminar will be held on February 4-8, 2019 in Washington, DC in which the representatives of countries of Middle East, Southern Asia will take part.

Hayk Grigoryan expressed gratitude for the invitation and confirmed the willingness of the RA Investigative Committee to develop cooperation with the U.S. Embassy.

Agreement was reached to consider the issues on organization of jointly implemented projects in working order.