21.09.19, 10:52

Charge Pressed against President of “Renaissance” International Competition-Festival” NGO

Charge Pressed against President of “Renaissance” International Competition-Festival” NGO

Within the criminal case investigated in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee charge was pressed against the president of “Renaissance” International Competition-Festival” NGO for squandering in particularly large amount, cheating and forging documents.

In the result of investigatory and other procedural actions of great volume conducted through preliminary investigation a number of circumstances of the case, the mechanism were found out.

Through investigation actual data were obtained on the allegation that in order to partially provide the expenses for the 6th annual international competition-festival of “Renaissance” musicians to be held in Gyumri in 2015, pursuant to submitted estimates, in the face of “Renaissance” International Competition-Festival” NGO and “Gyumri Town Hall of Shirak Province” AEF donation contract was signed pursuant to which 5.000.000 AMD was donated from Gyumri town hall. For the same purpose, pursuant to the submitted estimates, a grant contract was signed between the president of  “Renaissance” International Competition-Festival” NGO and the acting head of the staff of the RA Ministry of Culture pursuant to which 5.000.000 AMD was given to the NGO by the RA Ministry of Culture.  

During preliminary investigation it was found out that money in large amount - 2.681.000 AMD was apparently swindled from the mentioned money by squandering and in order to conceal the circumstance of swindling, the NGO president forged documents.

Particularly, fake orders of cash register access on money paid allegedly for providing printing services, by the order of NGO, fake accounts on providing hotel services were made, false information was involved in newsletters of financial reporting documents to be submitted to the RA Ministry of Culture and the NGO president signed and sealed newsletters containing false information and circulated submitting them to Gyumri Town Hall and RA Ministry of Culture.

Through preliminary investigation actual data were also obtained on swindling money in particularly large amount - 27.170.000 AMD by squandering from 3.000.000 RF Rubbles transferred from CIS Interstate International Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation for the purpose of solving the stay of jury members of the 6th annual international competition-festival of “Renaissance” musicians held in 2015 committed by NGO president.  

Pursuant to investigation data, taking advantage of the fact that she was the president of NGO, with the purpose of committing swindling by squandering the NGO president withdrew money for three times from NGO funds to be paid to an entrepreneur for allegedly providing hotel service and swindled it by squandering. Then in order to conceal the circumstance of swindling she made and used false documents; that is she made documents containing false information on providing service by the entrepreneur – accounts on providing services, acts on providing the NGO services of 10.678.000, 7.562.000, 8.930.000 AMD, confirmed those documents with her signature and organization seal, obtained receipts containing false data on payment in the amount of the swindled money and circulated them to justify the targeted expenditure sending them to CIS Interstate International Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation.

In the result of investigatory and other procedural actions conducted within preliminary investigation another apparent crime committed by the NGO president was also disclosed.

It was found out that under the pretext of participating in competition-festival in the U.S.A. the NGO president swindled money in particularly large amount from a number of people who wanted to leave for the U.S.A.

Pursuant to investigation data, NGO president with the purpose of swindling money in particularly large amount by cheating and abusing confidence, assured the people, who wanted to leave for the U.S.A. to take part in the competition-festival, about the opportunity to leave for the mentioned country and take part in the competition-festival and in order to gain confidence, signed contracts with them in the name of “Renaissance” International Competition-Festival” NGO committing to send them to the U.S.A. as artists allegedly to take part in the seminar to be held there.

Then she demanded that they should transfer money tantamount to 1.300 – 1.500 USD to the bank account of “Renaissance” International Competition-Festival” NGO and swindled money in particularly large amount - 7.115.950 AMD transferred to the NGO account by 9 people.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against the president of “Renaissance” International Competition-Festival” NGO according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 178, the Point 3 of the Part 2 of the Article 179, the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 179, the Part 1 of the Article 325 (2 counts) of RA Criminal Code. The investigator submitted a motion to court to choose detention as a pretrial measure against her.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.