18.07.23, 11:43

In the result of Investigation of Proceedings only on Economic Crimes and Smuggling Investigated in the RA Investigative Committee Damage of over 9 Milliard 600 Million AMD caused to the State Recovered in 2023

In the result of Investigation of Proceedings only on Economic Crimes and Smuggling Investigated in the RA Investigative Committee Damage of over 9 Milliard 600 Million AMD caused to the State Recovered in 2023

The Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia has summed up the results of the work done in the first half of 2023 in the direction of the recovery of the pecuniary damage caused to the state within the completed and ongoing criminal proceedings on economic crimes and smuggling.

Particularly, in the first half of 2023, in the result of large-scale procedural and other evidentiary actions conducted within the criminal proceedings investigated in General Department of Investigation of Smuggling and Economic Crimes of the RA Investigative Committee (a part also in the RA IC General Department on Special Assignments), consistent work carried out with relevant business entities within these frameworks about 9.690.000.000 AMD of the pecuniary damage caused to the state has been recovered to the state budget.

A significant part of the mentioned recovery took place in the result of the disclosure of criminal mechanisms of a schematic nature, carried out over a long period of time in both areas. Particularly, AMD of the mentioned pecuniary damage has been recovered in the course of the preliminary investigation of the criminal proceedings on the cases of non-payment of taxes in particularly large amount through the provision of a commercial program combined with a special electronic server system. 2.335.000.000 AMD has been recovered within the criminal proceedings on business entities engaged in car import and sales (export) activities.

Another 3,800,000,000 AMD is, in fact, in the recovery stage.