25.03.20, 13:30

Information for Citizens

Information for Citizens

Taking the risk of spread of new coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Republic of Armenia into consideration and due to the need to restrict contacts, in the framework of preventive measures against spread of the virus the central and territorial subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee temporarily suspend the process of receiving applications, queries, complaints, reports and other writs from citizens, NGOs and/or other organizations in hand (paper) format.

We appeal to send all the documents addressed to the RA Investigative Committee online – through the platform of electronic queries or the official Facebook page or the above-mentioned E-mails;

Central Office

Accounting and Finance Department - [email protected]

Department of Legal Provision and Statistics -  i[email protected]

Division of Public Relations and Information - [email protected]

Department of Staff Management - [email protected]

General Division - [email protected]

Purchasing Division - [email protected]

Archives - [email protected]

Division of External Relations - [email protected]

Person in charge of proceeding report registration and reports

in case of internal and external alarm - [email protected]

Tel; 094 910091

General Military Investigative Department -  [email protected]

Territorial Subdivisions of Yerevan

Investigative Department of Yerevan - [email protected]

Investigative Division of Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts of Yerevan - [email protected]

Investigative Division of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan - [email protected]

Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davitashen administrative districts of Yerevan -
[email protected]

Investigative Division of Avan and Nor Norq administrative districts of Yerevan - [email protected]

Investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district of Yerevan - [email protected]

Investigative Division of Qanaqer-Zeytun administrative district of Yerevan - [email protected]

Investigative Division of Shengavit administrative district of Yerevan - [email protected]

Investigative Division of Malatia-Sebastia administrative district of Yerevan - [email protected]

Regional Subdivisions

Regional Investigative Department of Aragatsotn - [email protected]

Regional Investigative Department of Ararat - [email protected]

Regional Investigative Department of Armavir - [email protected]

Regional Investigative Department of Gegharkunik - [email protected]

Regional Investigative Department of Lori - [email protected]

Regional Investigative Department of Kotayk - [email protected]

Regional Investigative Department of Shirak - [email protected]

Regional Investigative Department of Syunik - [email protected]

Regional Investigative Department of Tavush - [email protected]

Regional Investigative Department of Vayots Dzor - [email protected]

Territorial Subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department

First garrison unit of General Military Investigative Department - [email protected]

Second garrison unit of General Military Investigative Department - [email protected]

Third garrison unit of General Military Investigative Department - [email protected]

Fourth garrison unit of General Military Investigative Department - [email protected]

Fifth garrison unit of General Military Investigative Department - [email protected]

Sixth garrison unit of General Military Investigative Department -
[email protected]

Seventh garrison unit of General Military Investigative Department - [email protected]

Eighth garrison unit of General Military Investigative Department - [email protected]

Ninth garrison unit of General Military Investigative Department - [email protected]

Tenth garrison unit of General Military Investigative Department - [email protected]

For clarifications you can call via the following phone numbers; 011 880-158, 011 880-159, 011 880-160, 011 880-180 (General Division), 011 880-177, 011 880-175 (Division of Public Relations and Information).