08.11.18, 17:19

Invitation for Prequalification for the International Third-Party Assessment of Environmental Impact Assessment of the Amulsar Gold Mine Project

Invitation for Prequalification for the International Third-Party Assessment of Environmental Impact Assessment of the Amulsar Gold Mine Project

The Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia, located on Mamikonyants 46/5, Yerevan, invites interested companies to submit documents for prequalification related to international  third-party assessment of environmental impact assessment of the Amulsar Gold Mine project  for the purpose of carrying out an expert examination for a criminal case.

The main goal of the assignment is to review the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) reports.

The following documentation is required by applicants for the purposes of prequalification:

1)      A profile of the company to include a general and brief description of the company, copies of official registration and address – translation from original language is not required;
2)      A reference list of at least ten (10) similar in nature and complexity projects undertaken by the company in the last two years; the list must include names and contact details of clients (who can be contacted for reference)

3)      A list of the key personnel proposed for this assignment, which must include at least one lead expert with at least 5 years of relevant experience and one junior expert with at least one year of relevant experience; the list should also include the description of relevant qualifications and experience of all proposed experts;

4)      A copy of a document confirming that the company has fulfilled all its past and current obligations concerning taxes, state fees or other public fees;

5)      A copy of a document confirming that the company and its proposed experts do not have any conflict of interest in relation to the fulfillment of the assignment

6)      A copy of a document confirming that the company has at least 10 (ten) years of operational experience;

7)      A copy of a document confirming that the cumulative work experience of its personnel is an average of five years

8)      A copy of a financial statement showing the minimum annual turnover (a copy of the original document is required)

Prequalification documents must be received by 12:00 pm Yerevan time on Wednesday, November 14th.  Late applications will not be considered. 

Prequalification applications may be submitted in Armenian or English. The documents in the application package must be signed by an individual officially representing the applicant company or by an individual who is officially authorized to represent the company, herein the agent. If the prequalification application is submitted by an agent, then it must be accompanied by a relevant document authorizing the agent to apply on the company’s behalf.

The companies are required to submit all documents specified above in order to be eligible for consideration in the prequalification stage. Failure to provide all the required documents will be considered as grounds for disqualification.

Applicant companies, which will meet the prequalification requirements, will be shortlisted and will automatically move to the second stage of this tender. 

For more information on this announcement please contact YuraIvanyan at: 

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +374 11 88 00 17, + 374 95 74 98 20

Client: RA Investigative Committee