20.03.23, 15:33

Legal Attaché in Armenia and Georgia of Federal Bureau of Investigation of the U.S. Department of Justice has visited the RA Investigative Committee (photos)

Legal Attaché in Armenia and Georgia of Federal Bureau of Investigation of the U.S. Department of Justice has visited the RA Investigative Committee (photos)

The Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Arsen Ayvazyan has received today the delegation headed by DoJ FBI Legal Attaché in Armenia and Georgia Heather Bergey. The administrative assistant of FBI Office in Tbilisi Rachelle McDermott and investigator of Regional Security Service Section of the U.S. Embassy Tigran Petrosyan have been in the delegation.

Greeting the guests the Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee has first thanked the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation for close cooperation in fight against transnational crimes.

Mrs. Heather Bergey has expressed satisfaction with the high level of mutual trust and cooperation established with the RA Investigative Committee stating that they intend to continue the implementation of new projects aimed at capacity development of RA Investigative Committee within the framework of priorities outlined by the Armenian party.

During the meeting the professional development needs of the investigators in the spheres of illegal turnover of narcotic drugs, smuggling, cyber crimes, money laundering, possibilities of experience exchange, implementation of training programs arising from them have been discussed during the meeting.

The parties have emphasized the necessity to activate joint efforts in fight against illegal migration, to improve the structures of information exchange in the specified directions.

In this regard, the effectiveness of the rapid response format established between the RA Investigative Committee and the U.S. Embassy to Armenia has been recorded with satisfaction.

During the meeting other issues of mutual interest have also been discussed.