30.11.20, 17:20

Meetings Held at RA Investigative Committee with International Experts on War Crimes, Use of Prohibited Weapons

Meetings Held at RA Investigative Committee with International Experts on War Crimes, Use of Prohibited Weapons

Meetings were held today at General Military Investigative Department and the Department of Criminalistics of the RA Investigative Committee with international expert on war crimes, criminalist French-Armenian Eliz Poghosyan and international expert on the use of prohibited weapons Zhan Luk Mesazhe.

Issues on acts considered serious violations of international humanitarian law committed by the military-political leadership of the Republic of Azerbaijan during the aggressive war unleashed and waged along the entire line of contact with the Republic of Artsakh, use of prohibited weapons as well as implementation of large-scale forensic examinations on the mentioned cases commissioned by the investigative body were discussed.  

Cases of committing a number of acts considered serious violations of international humanitarian law, particularly murder, torture of Armenian prisoners of war and civilians captured by the Republic of Azerbaijan during military actions, inhuman and degrading treatment against them, using mercenaries in military actions also became a subject of discussion.

During the meetings mutual agreements have been reached to continue further working cooperation.