Statistics, petitions, references
19.10.17, 13:45

Number of crimes against sexual immunity and sexual freedom increased

Number of crimes against sexual immunity and sexual freedom increased

Joint study of criminal cases on crimes against sexual immunity and sexual freedom during 2015-2016 investigated in the proceeding of RA Investigative Committee was conducted by the RA Investigative Committee and “Sexual Assault Crisis Center” NGO.

Thus, pursuant to statistical data, during 2015-2016 288 criminal cases initiated according to the Articles 138, 142 of RA Criminal Code were investigated in the IC proceeding 131 of which – in 2015, 157 – in 2016. It can be stated that the number of the investigated cases has increased with 26 cases in 2016 as compared with 2015.

Moreover, as compared with 2015, in 2016 the number of sexual crimes against children has increased (according to the Articles 141 and 142 of RA Criminal Code) which requires to take more efficient measures for children’s protection by informing the children and their parents or those taking care of children or bringing them up about the possible methods and actions contributing to prevention or disclosure of cases. Considering that most of the affected are children of 14-16, it is necessary to organize preventive and explanatory special trainings for children of this age. At the same time, it is necessary to mention that the decrease of criminal cases terminated according to the Articles 138, 142 shows that the investigators have started to investigate the criminal cases more thoroughly revealing all circumstances.

In 2015 in the framework of criminal cases on crimes against sexual immunity and sexual freedom 95 persons were involved as a suspect/defendant – all of them were males 82 of which were Armenians, 11 – Yezidis, 2 – Persians and in 2016 113 persons were involved as a suspect/ defendant, all of them were males, 99 of them were Armenians, 12 – Yezidis, 1 – Russian, 1 – Moldovan.

In 2016 162 persons were found as affected within 157 criminal cases 11 of which were males, 151 were females. 147 of the affected were Armenians, 14 – Yezidis, 1 – Moldovan. 160 of the affected were citizens of the Republic of Armenia, 1 – citizen of the Russian Federation, 1 – the Republic of Moldova. In 2015 142 persons were found as affected within 131 criminal cases 11 of which were males, 131 – females. 131 of the affected were Armenians, 10 – Yezidis, 1 – Mari. 141 of the affected were citizens of the Republic of Armenia, 1 – citizen of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

That is, majority of the affected are women (92% of the affected), citizens of the Republic of Armenia (99% of the affected).

The age of the affected within criminal cases of 2016 fluctuated from the age of 5 to 74, in 2015 – from the age of 4 to 62. However, the majority of the affected were 15 years old (30% of the affected), the affected children of 14-16 year-old were nearly the half of the affected (48% of the affected).

In the result of the summery offers were made to protect the rights of the affected.

The results of the study are presented in Armenian.