15.02.15, 11:00

Outgoing and incoming calls of mobile phone numbers taken by V. Permyakov from the house of the Avetisyans examined

Outgoing and incoming calls of mobile phone numbers taken by V. Permyakov from the house of the Avetisyans examined

In the framework of the criminal case being investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of RA Investigative Committee on murder of the Avetisyan family committed on 12 January in Gyumri the representative of the legal successor of the victims, lawyer Yerem Sargsyan’s motion dated February10, 2015  was sufficed.

Taking the public interest into consideration we inform that the transcriptions of outgoing and incoming calls of mobile phone number used by Valeri Permyakov before the day of the incident, phone numbers used by the Avetisyan family and taken by Valeri Permyakov from the scene, as well as the information on satellites which served them from the period at least a month and a half prior to the incident until the time Valeri Permyakov was found, were received from mobile operators.

The transcriptions of the above-mentioned phone numbers are being examined, the subscribers of the outgoing and incoming calls were and are being interrogated.

The outgoing and incoming calls of the phone numbers taken by Valeri Permyakov from the house of the Avetisyan family, including those made on 11 and 12 January, 2015 have been examined.

In the framework of the criminal case technological expertise was appointed in order to find significant information in the mobile phones taken from the Avetisyans’ house, to receive data on containing SMS messages, as well as to restore removed information and to clarify a number of other issues.

In the framework of the criminal case an examination is being conducted to find out the circumstances of appointing Valeri Permyakov in guard service in the unit N of the 102d military base located in the Republic of Armenia, leaving the unit by him, as well as the initiative of implementation of Valeri Permyakov’s service in the military unit located in Gyumri during the military service in Russian Federation.

More than a dozen servicemen and commanders of the mentioned unit were interrogated on these issues, appropriate requests were sent to competent authorities. The investigation on that part is also ongoing.

As to the hypothesis of firing shots with a stun gun by Valeri Permyakov, though no data have been obtained on shooting fires with a stun gun by V. Permyakov through preliminary investigation, the lawyer Yerem Sargsyan’s motion was sufficed in order to check all the possible hypotheses and not to leave any dissipated doubt and the following additional statement was put to be clarified by the expert; that is whether it is possible to fix deafening device on the rifle of AKC 74 type confiscated from the site and submitted to the expertise, whether there are any traces on that rifle which indicate that a deafening device has been fixed on it and then removed.

The results of forensic chemical examinations appointed to find whether Valeri Permyakov or servicemen of Russian military base N 102 located in RA had used alcohol, drugs or psychotropic medications, were received according to which no traces of drugs, psychotropic medications or alcohol were found in the samples taken from Valeri Permyakov and 12 more servicemen involved in guard service in Russian military base N 102 together with V. Permyakov.

 Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Additional information on the results of the investigation will be provided