20.06.23, 14:01

Person who has Supported to Publishing Defamatory Information about Judge and her Relatives by Vardan Ghukasyan known with a Nickname “Dog” Detained (photo)

Person who has Supported to Publishing Defamatory Information about Judge and her Relatives by Vardan Ghukasyan known with a Nickname “Dog” Detained (photo)

During preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding related to the leaders of the party “Public Voice” investigated in the Division of Investigation of Grave Crimes of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee a new case on supporting to publishing defamatory information about the judge in connection with legitimate official activities, her close relatives that harms their rights and legal interests on “Telegram” application of the internet committed by Vardan Ghukasyan known with a nickname “Dog” was disclosed. 

Particularly, it was found out that Andranik Armandaryan being in close relations with Vardan Ghukasyan nicknamed “Dog”, managed a number of Internet user accounts that disseminated Vardan Ghukasyan's activities in various social networks, among them the news website of “Public Voice” party.

After the judge of the RA Anti-Corruption Court on January 11, 2023 had sufficed the motion on extending the term of the detention used as a pretrial measure against a person charged with extortion, who was in close relations with the leaders of “Public Voice” party, as well as in order to have further influence on making possible undesirable judicial acts against Vardan Ghukasyan’s adherents, Andranik Armandaryan acquired the photos of the judge as well as her close relatives.

On June 11, 2023 between 21:45 and 23:33 he edited these photos using relevant software applications, made obscene, defamatory notes about the judge and her close relatives on them.

Besides, he subjected the photo of the judge to obscene photomontage making defamatory notes about the judge on them.

Then on June 11, 2023 he sent the mentioned photos to Vardan Ghukasyan. Next day during a live broadcast on "Facebook" page of the social website accessible to all the latter published the mentioned photos containing defamatory information using sexual profanities against the judge and her close relatives during the speech.

Thus, by creating defamatory information about the judge and her relatives using his capacities in the sphere of computer equipment and for its dissemination A. Armandaryan supported to committing the crime by Vardan Ghukasyan.

On the base of the obtained facts a motion was submitted to the prosecutor to initiate a public criminal prosecution against A. Armandaryan which was sufficed and charge was pressed against the latter according to the Part 2 of the Article 46-490 of RA Criminal Code.

Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against A. Armandaryan.

The RA Investigative Committee warns that relevant criminal legal assessment will be given to any similar manifestation, any attempt of threatening relevant officials, publishing defamatory information about them among them actions directed to support them in any way. We urge to refrain from such criminal behavior. 

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.