20.12.16, 13:52

RA IC Chairman highlighted continuous control and implementation of treatment of patients suffering from mental disorder

RA IC Chairman highlighted continuous control and implementation of treatment of patients suffering from mental disorder

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee applied to the RA Minister of Health highlighting the continuous control and implementation of treatment of patients suffering from mental disorder.   

In the result of studies of criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee on murders and infliction of heavy damage to health committed by family members during 2015 it was found that a number of grave crimes were committed by persons suffering from mental disorder.

13 criminal cases out of the ones on murder committed by family members in 2015 were sent to court; 6 of them – with the bill of indictment, 7 – with motions on using coercive medical measures.

Presenting the results of studies it is particularly mentioned in the writ to the RA Minister of Health;

“According to the Point 7 of the Article 3 of RA Law “On Mental Health Care” outpatient mental health care shall include discovery of patients suffering from mental disorder, their registration and continuous control or psychiatric examination or treatment or social rehabilitation in outpatient conditions.  

The procedure of providing inpatient and outpatient mental health care confirmed by the appendix of the RA Government’s decision N 350-Ն dated 01.04.2010 details the process of outpatient mental health care paying special attention to control mechanisms, as well.

In the framework of 4 criminal cases out of mentioned 7 ones the persons having committed an action forbidden by criminal law had been registered in different psychiatric facilities as mentally ill persons however no treatment and continuous control was implemented over them. The absence of necessary control creates conditions for patients suffering from mental disorder to commit socially dangerous actions causing grave consequences, even to deprive family members from life.  

In order to prevent such cases in future it is asked to instruct the appropriate subdivision to consider the mentioned cases and implement treatment and continuous control over patients suffering from mental disorder”.

A brief certificate describing the certain cases was submitted to the Minister.