13.07.23, 10:36

Theft by Means of Computer and Attempts to Organize Illegal Migration with Fake Schengen Visas; Preliminary Investigation on 5 Defendants Completed

Theft by Means of Computer and Attempts to Organize Illegal Migration with Fake Schengen Visas; Preliminary Investigation on 5 Defendants Completed

Preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on theft in particularly large amount committed by means of computer, as well as attempt to organize illegal migration of a number of citizens using fake documents committed by a group of people was completed.

Through factual data obtained through comprehensive investigation conducted in the Department of Investigation of Cybercrime and High Technology Crime of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA investigative Committee it was grounded that 63 year-old female resident of Yerevan, learning from her 24 and 63 year-old acquaintances about the possibility to steal money through the bank cards of persons living abroad, by means of computer, reached prior agreement with them and other persons not identified yet.

Under the pretext of providing tourist service by the LLC founded and actually managed by her, on November 12, 2019 the mentioned woman acquired a “POS” terminal device for non-cash payment from a bank operating in Yerevan. Then using 24 year-old young man’s capacities of mastering computer technologies, through “Whats App” of the latter’s mobile phone received the card data of 5 card holders of HSBC bank in Hong Kong - 16 numeric digits on the card and the expiration date. The mentioned data were entered into the above-mentioned “POS” terminal device by 24 year-old young man. As a result, between November 19 and 22, 2019 money in particularly large amount - 21.350.000 AMD was transferred to the account of the mentioned LLC. On November 21, 2019 63 year-old woman and 24 year-old young man visited the bank and withdrew 6.200.000 AMD from the LLC account 600.000 AMD of which was given to 24 year-old young man. Under suspicious transaction conditions the mentioned account of the LLC was frozen by the bank as a result of which the latters were deprived of the opportunity to withdraw the rest of the money - 15.150.000 AMD.

Besides, the mentioned woman, being the director of the tourist agency, in 2016 and 2019 reached prior agreement with two different persons, in one case, on organizing the exit of a citizen of Syria, an Armenian woman from the Republic of Armenia and entry into the Republic of France, in another case, the exit on RA citizen from the Republic of Armenia and entry into the Kingdom of Sweden with fake entry visas of "Schengen Agreement" countries. 63 year-old woman required 6.500 Euros tantamount to 3.309.800 AMD in total from the mentioned first person and between 2016 and 2017 received it part by part and she received 1200 USD tantamount to 570.300 AMD from the second person. After it, with prior agreement, in one case fake schengen visa for entry to schengen countries given by the Embassy of the Republic of France in the UAE, in the other case fake schengen visa formulated in the Republic of Slovenia were prepared. However, the crime was not completed as the circumstance of the visas being fake was found out and it was reported to the law enforcement bodies.

Within the criminal proceeding it was also found out that a person being in Montenegro, who had already cooperated with 63 year-old woman within the above-mentioned case, reached prior agreement with a man living in Armenia and was in close relations with the mentioned woman, on organizing the exit of another RA citizen – young girl’s exit from Armenia and entry to Federal Republic of Germany with a fake entry visa of "Schengen Agreement" countries. For this purpose, in November, 2019 the person living in the RA required from the girl’s uncle and received 3.500 Euros tantamount to 1.859.060 AMD. Then he transported the girl from the RA to Georgia from where they left for Turkey together and then to Tirana – the capital of the Republic of Albania. After a short while a fake visa was prepared with the girl’s data which the latter received from the person living in Montenegro. However, while entering North Macedonia from Albania the officers of the law enforcement bodies found out that the visa was fake and the girl was arrested.

On the base of the obtained sufficient data charge was pressed against 63 year-old woman according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 181, the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 34-329 and the Part 1 of the Article 325 (2 counts) of RA former Criminal Code. Charge was pressed against two of those having committed the alleged crime according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 181 and against two more according to the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 34-329 of RA former Criminal Code. Absence ban was chosen as a pretrial measure against them.

The part on the mentioned 5 defendants was separated in a separate proceeding preliminary investigation of which was completed and the materials of the criminal proceeding with the bill of indictment were sent to court.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.