03.07.23, 14:51

Within Criminal Proceeding on Murder, Hooliganism, Infliction of Heavy Bodily Damage Committed in Night Club in Qarakert three Persons Arrested (photos)

Within Criminal Proceeding on Murder, Hooliganism, Infliction of Heavy Bodily Damage Committed in Night Club in Qarakert three Persons Arrested (photos)

In the result of urgent measures taken n Armavir Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee the case of murder committed in the night club some hours ago was disclosed.

On July 3, 2023 at 05:26 a report was received in Armavir Division of the Police of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs informing that three residents of Qarakert settlement of the same region with cut-pierced bodily injuries were taken to Armavir’s medical center, one of them died.

On the same day at about 02:30 a report was received from the director of the night club operating in Qarakert settlement of Armavir region informing that in the mentioned night club a row erupted between the visitors which turned into brawl.

With regard to the fact a criminal proceeding was initiated according to Part 1 of the Article 155, the Pont 1 of the Part 1 of the Article 166 and the Point 1 of the Part 2 and the Part 3 of the Article 297 of RA Criminal Code.

In the result of necessary and urgent investigative and procedural actions conducted during preliminary investigation, as well as measures taken jointly together with the employees of the relevant subdivision of the Police, circumstances significant for the investigation were found out, among them the frame of those involved in the incident, as well as the motive.

Particularly, pursuant to initial data, on the mentioned day in the night club a row on domestic matters erupted between the visitors – between 4 residents of Qarakert and 2 residents of Arteni settlement of Aragatsotn region.  Those involved in the argument hit one another during which 23 year-old resident of Arteni stabbed one of the residents of Qarakert with a cutting-piercing item. The latter died in hospital.

On the same day another report was received from the mentioned 23 year-old resident of Arteni informing that one of those persons arguing with them with a blackjack and others with hands and feet hit him on different parts of his body after which he stabbed them with a folding knife causing bodily injuries.

With regard to the fact, by the decision of the investigative body, a criminal proceeding was initiated according to the Point 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 195 and in order to provide objective and comprehensive investigation, it was combined with the criminal proceeding initiated on murder, physical impact and infliction of heavy bodily damage.

Three persons were arrested, one of them – the mentioned 23 year-old young man on suspicion of committing a crime envisaged by the Part 1 of the Article 155 and the Point 1 of the Part 1 of the Article 166, the other - on suspicion of committing a crime envisaged by the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 297 of RA Criminal Code, the third one – envisaged by the Part 3 of the Article 297 of RA Criminal Code.

During preliminary investigation inspection of the scene was conducted during which samples were taken, confiscations were conducted, forensic trace, forensic medical expertise were commissioned.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.