17.08.20, 13:33

1233 Criminal Cases on Corruption Related Crimes Investigated in RA Investigative Committee in First Term of 2020

1233 Criminal Cases on Corruption Related Crimes Investigated in RA Investigative Committee in First Term of 2020

In the first term of 2020 1233 criminal cases on corruption related crimes were investigated, 158 materials were prepared in the RA Investigative Committee.

Out of 1233 criminal cases on corruption related crimes

1 referred to bribing voters, taking bribe, violation of the ban on charity during elections or obstructing the exercise of the voter's free will envisaged by the Article 154.2 of RA Criminal Code,

19 - to swindling committed with abuse of official position envisaged by the Point 1.1 of the Part 2 of the Article 178 of RA Criminal Code,

7 – to swindling if committed with abuse of official position envisaged by the Part 3 of the Article 178 of RA Criminal Code,

209 – to squandering or embezzlement with abuse of official position envisaged by the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 179 of RA Criminal Code,

199 - to squandering or embezzlement if committed with abuse of official position envisaged by the Part 3 of the Article 179 of RA Criminal Code,

5 – to legitimizing illegally obtained income (money laundering) envisaged by the Article 190 of RA Criminal Code,

18 - to commercial bribe envisaged by the Article 200 of RA Criminal Code,

81 - to abuse of authority by the employees of commercial or other organizations envisaged by the Article 214 of RA Criminal Code,

383 - to abuse of official authorities envisaged by the Article 308 of RA Criminal Code,

24 - to exceeding official authorities envisaged by the Article 309 of RA Criminal Code,

4 – to illegal participation in entrepreneurial activity envisaged by the Article 310 of RA Criminal Code,

73 - to taking bribes envisaged by the Article 311 of RA Criminal Code,

17 - to getting illegal payment from a public servant envisaged by the Article 311.1 of RA Criminal Code,

1 - to using real or alleged influence for mercenary purposes envisaged by the Article 311.2 of RA Criminal Code,

18 - to giving a bribe envisaged by the Article 312 of RA Criminal Code,

1 - to bribery mediation envisaged by the Article 313 of RA Criminal Code,

93 - to official forgery envisaged by the Article 314 of RA Criminal Code,

80 - to abuse of power, transgression or administrative dereliction envisaged by the Article 375 of RA Criminal Code.

Preliminary investigation of 199 criminal cases on corruption related crimes was completed. Proceeding of 146 criminal cases was terminated 104 of which on acquittal, 42 – on non-acquittal base.

53 criminal cases with the bill of indictment were sent to court.

Within the criminal cases on corruption related crimes investigated in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee in the first term of 2020 715 people were subjected to criminal prosecution. 20 of the mentioned people were arrested, 14 people were released from custody. 515 people were involved as a defendant. Charge was pressed against 510 people.

Officiating of 12 defendants was stopped.

Within 102 criminal cases and materials the initiation of criminal cases of which was rejected on non-acquittal base, pecuniary damage of 634.873.480 AMD was caused.  582.571.503 AMD of the damage was caused to the state and 52.301.977 AMD was caused to legal entities and individuals.

340.189.653 AMD of the damage caused was recovered - 325.902.096 AMD of the damage caused to the state and 14.287.557 AMD of the damage caused to legal entities and individuals.

Pecuniary damage caused by crimes within criminal cases terminated on non-acquittal base was 188.222.115 AMD 173.179.735 of which was recovered.