Statistics, petitions, references
19.02.21, 13:31

Information on Results of Investigation of Corruption-Related Crimes in 2020 in Proceeding of RA Investigative Committee

Information on Results of Investigation of Corruption-Related Crimes in 2020 in Proceeding of RA Investigative Committee

In 2020 280 materials on corruption-related crimes have been prepared in the subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee (hereafter referred to as the Committee). In the above-mentioned period 1731 criminal cases on corruption-related crimes have been investigated in the subdivisions of the Committee. Moreover, 1152 out of the mentioned 1731 criminal cases have been received for production in 2020 and 579 have been incomplete at the beginning of the year. In the mentioned period 266 criminal cases have been initiated, proceeding of 48 criminal cases, formerly terminated or suspended, has been restarted, 817 criminal cases have been received from other law enforcement bodies and other subdivisions of the Committee. 5 criminal cases have been returned by the prosecutor for additional investigation. Parts have been separated from criminal cases – 16.

Out of 1731 criminal cases on corruption-related crimes investigated in the proceeding of the Committee in the mentioned period

1 – giving bribe to voters, taking bribe, violation of the ban on charity during the elections or hindrance to the exercise of the free will of the voter envisaged by the Article 154.2 of RA Criminal Code,

32 – swindling by use of official authorities envisaged by the Point 1.1 of the Part 2 of the Article 178 of RA Criminal Code, 

31 – swindling if it has been committed by use of official authorities envisaged by the Part 3 of the Article 178 of RA Criminal Code,

286 – squandering or embezzlement by use of official authorities envisaged by the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 179 of RA Criminal Code,

236 - squandering or embezzlement if it has been committed by use of official authorities envisaged by the Part 3 of the Article 179 of RA Criminal Code,

13 - legitimizing illegally obtained income (money laundering) envisaged by the Article 190 of RA Criminal Code,

25 - commercial bribe envisaged by the Article 200 of RA Criminal Code,

95 - abuse of authority by the employees of commercial or other organizations envisaged by the Article 214 of RA Criminal Code,

551 - abuse of official authority envisaged by the Article 308 of RA Criminal Code,

29 - exceeding official authorities envisaged by the Article 309 of RA Criminal Code,

6 - illegal participation in entrepreneurial activity envisaged by the Article 310 of RA Criminal Code,

104 – taking bribe envisaged by the Article 311 of RA Criminal Code,

21 – receiving illegal payment by public servant envisaged by the Article 311.1 of RA Criminal Code,

35 – giving bribe envisaged by the Article 312 of RA Criminal Code.

155 – official forgery envisaged by the Article 314 of RA Criminal Code,

1 - submitting false information in declarations or concealing the data subject to be declared envisaged by the Article 314.3 of RA Criminal Code,

110 - abuse of power, transgression of authority or administrative dereliction envisaged by the Article 375 of RA Criminal Code.

481 criminal cases on corruption-related crimes have been completed, proceeding of 365 criminal cases has been terminated 253 of which on acquittal, 112 – on non-acquittal base.

116 criminal cases with the bill of indictment have been sent to court.

Cases for using medical compulsory measures have not been sent to court.

Proceeding of 75 criminal cases has been suspended 66 of which based on the circumstance that the person to be involved as a defendant is unknown, 7 – that the defendant is hiding from investigation or his location is unknown, 2 – other bases.

120 criminal cases have been sent according to subordination. 219 criminal cases have been combined.

836 criminal cases are incomplete.

On persons prosecuted within criminal cases on corruption-related crimes investigated in 2020 in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee

921 persons have been prosecuted within criminal cases on corruption-related crimes investigated in 2020 in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee. 32 of the mentioned persons have been arrested, 21 have been released from arrest.

709 persons have been involved as a defendant. Charge has been pressed against 705 persons. 12 of the motions submitted to court to choose detention as a pretrial measure have been rejected, 30 have been sufficed, mortgage has been used against 32 persons.

Tenure of 19 defendants has been terminated.

7 defendants have been released from custody 3 of them by the prosecutor, 4 by the court.

Criminal prosecution has been terminated against 65 persons on acquittal, against 104 persons - on non-acquittal base.

The decision on terminating criminal prosecution against 2 persons has been overturned by the prosecutor.

186 persons have been sued 3 of which have been under custody.

Motions on using medical compulsory measures have not been sent to court.

561 persons have been prosecuted within incomplete criminal cases 2 of which have been under custody.

Pecuniary damage and its restoration within completed criminal cases and materials on corruption-related crimes the initiation of which has been rejected on non acquittal base in 2020

Pecuniary damage has been inflicted within 170 criminal cases and materials the initiation of which has been rejected (hereafter referred to as rejected materials). The number of persons within the mentioned criminal cases and rejected materials is 255 146 of which have been officials.

The amount of the pecuniary damage has been 834.964.463 AMD 663.059.408 of which is the damage caused to the state, 171.905.055 AMD – caused to the legal entities and individuals.

412.619.901 AMD of the pecuniary damage has been restored 385.439.222 AMD of which is the restoration of the damage caused to the state, 27.180.679 AMD – caused to legal entities and individuals.

The amount of the pecuniary damage caused within the criminal cases terminated on non-acquittal base has been 278.975.610 AMD 267.017.683 AMD of which has been restored.

The amount of the damage caused within the rejected materials has been 400.000 AMD which has completely been restored.

On spheres of initiating criminal cases on corruption-related crimes in 2020 in the RA Investigative Committee and committal of crimes by officials subjected to criminal prosecution

In 2020 1731 criminal cases on corruption related crimes have been investigated in the RA Investigative Committee 439 of which have been initiated on the base of reports submitted by individuals, 214 – by legal entities, 19 – by mass media, 1059 – have been found by the inquest body, investigator, prosecutor, judge while fulfilling their authorities.

Within the mentioned criminal cases 558 officials have been prosecuted 5 of which have been the suspect, 553 – the defendant.

The prosecuted officials have committed the apparent corruption related crimes in the following spheres;

health – 45 persons,

education – 88 persons,

social insurance – 37 persons,

energetic and natural resources – 34 persons,

law enforcement – 1 person,

local self-government bodies – 131 persons,

military – 132 persons,

other spheres – 90 persons.