19.02.15, 16:35

According to the result of expertise violations found while providing the pregnant woman with medical assistance; preliminary investigation of the criminal case is ongoing

According to the result of expertise violations found while providing the pregnant woman with medical assistance; preliminary investigation of the criminal case is ongoing

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on improper implementation of professional duties by medical personnel while providing RA citizen Narine Sharoyan with medical assistance is ongoing in RA Investigative Committee in the framework of which the result of the appointed complex expertise has been received.

Earlier it was informed that on 7 July, 2014 the citizen G. Minasyan’s report was received telling that on 28 June his wife N. Sharoyan was operated in “Armavir” medical center. Three days after the operation on 1 July his wife died in “Armenia” medical center in the result of improper implementation of professional duties by medical personnel.

On 7 July, 2014 a criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davitashen administrative districts according to the Part 2 of the Article 130 of RA Criminal Code. On 8 July G. Minasyan was appointed a legal successor of the victim.

In the framework of the criminal case necessary investigative measures were taken to provide the comprehensive examination of the circumstances of the case, a number of examinations were appointed.

Taking the public interest into consideration we inform that on 3 February, 2015 the result N 228/հձ of the expertise was received according to which violations against N. Sharoyan have been found while providing her with medical assistance in “Armavir” medical center.

By the assessment of the experts the control of progress of N. Sharoyan’s pregnancy, medical assistance and provision was carried out properly in ‘Armenia” medical center but the operation was delayed in “Armavir” medical center.

On 29 June, 2014 at 11:50 N. Sharoyan turned to “Armavir” medical center telling that she felt unwell. In the result of the examination by the doctor on duty “complicated obstetric history of 19-20 weeks’ pregnancy, scar on the uterus after Caesarean section” was diagnosed.

Then she was accepted to the infectious department for consultation but she was not examined by the infectiologist.

Considering that N. Sharoyan was pregnant, moreover with diagnose of “complicated obstetric history”, according to the experts it was not necessary to accept her to the infectious department but to the obstetric department where it would be possible to diagnose the pregnancy complications on time.

However, it was already 15:50 when “placenta exfoliation and massive bleeding” was diagnosed by the gynecologist. Medical measures taken at that time were full and proper, but delayed.

By the assessment of the committee all the examinations of N. Sharoyan immediately after being accepted to hospital had to be organized in the obstetric department, not in the infectious department which caused the incorrect assessment of N. Sharoyans objective state, delayed diagnose and the most severe complications because of which it was impossible to save N. Sharoyan’s life in spite of implementation of appropriate medical measures.

Considering that according to the experts’ assessment the medical failures were in “Armavir” medical center, the mentioned criminal case was sent from the Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davitashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department to Armavir Investigative Division of Armavir Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee where it will be given a respective criminal-legal assessment.

Additional information on the process of the investigation will be provided.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.