19.04.23, 13:36

Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan Visited the RA Investigative Committee (photos)

Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan Visited the RA Investigative Committee (photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan received today the delegation headed by the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan Martina Schmidt.

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee highly appreciated the role of the Council of Europe in protection of human rights and development of democratic institutions in Armenia and underlined the importance of the cooperation between the RA Investigative Committee and the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan in terms of capacity development of the structure.

Argishti Kyaramyan valued the training of hundreds of RA IC investigators held with the support of Council of Europe Office in Yerevan in a number of directions, particularly gender equality, as well as in the fields of fight against domestic violence and other crimes. The creation of national 24/7 point of contact in the RA Investigative Committee, which is an auxiliary tool for advisory, legal, technical support, in the result of cooperation of Council of Europe, which increases the opportunities of the RA IC international cooperation especially in the fight against cybercrimes and crimes committed in the field of high technologies.

The Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan Martina Schmidt also expressed satisfaction with the effectiveness of cooperation with the RA Investigative Committee. She emphasized that Council of Europe was ready to continue providing institutional and operational support to the law enforcement system of Armenia according to the needs of the Armenian side. Mrs. Schmidt presented the overall scope of the programs implemented and planned by the office expressing hope that the RA IC would continue being involved in it.

During the meeting the new mechanisms of protection of human rights introduced in the RA new criminal and criminal procedure codes which have entered into force since July of the previous year, the practice of their application were discussed. A reference was made to the opportunities of implementation of more targeted training programs for investigators in the fight against cybercrimes, money laundering, illegal capital circulation, trafficking and other crimes of high public danger.

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee noted that the Committee, within its jurisdiction, was ready to be involved in the new programs aimed at protection of human rights in the armed forces which would contribute to the enhancement of rights protection level in the RA armed forces.

An agreement was reached to discuss the future scopes of cooperation between the RA Investigative Committee and the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan, more detailed problems in working formats.