23.05.23, 10:11

Lawyer Stole 5.122.150 AMD in Total under the Pretext of Returning Minor Child to Mother; Charge Pressed against her

Lawyer Stole 5.122.150 AMD in Total under the Pretext of Returning Minor Child to Mother; Charge Pressed against her

In the result of large-scale investigative and procedural actions conducted in Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee a number of circumstances of stealing money in particularly large amount under the pretext of showing legal aid to the citizen, committed by the member of the Chamber of Advocates, 43 year-old resident of Yerevan S.S. were found out.

Pursuant to factual data obtained through investigation, in order to take care of the minor daughter after divorce, to receive legal aid related to the legal procedure of taking her daughter to live with her, on April 6, 2021 the citizen sent a message to the user of “facebook” social network known to public as “Vardan Ghukasyan” asking to help her to find a reliable lawyer.

Vardan Ghukasyan directed the woman to turn to the chairman of the party “Public Voice” Artak Galstyan on behalf of him giving her his phone number. The mentioned woman gave the phone number to her parents who met Artak Galstyan in two weeks after having a telephone conversation with him. The latter presented S.S. – the director of “A…” LLC , member of  Chamber of Advocates to the woman’s parents as a lawyer.

The latter, with the intent to steal money in particularly large amount with a group of people, made false promises to give a quick solution to the problem and guaranteed to organize the minor’s return to the RF. For that they required 4.700.000 AMD tantamount to 9.000 USD about which an agreement was signed between the lawyer and the mentioned citizen’s father. After it in Artak Galstyan’s presence and by his urge 2.597.150 AMD tantamount to 5000 USD was given to 43 year-old woman by the citizen’s parents.

Having received the money 43 year-old woman made an impression on the mentioned citizen as if she was engaged in the solution of the latter’s daughter’s problem and had applied to relevant bodies.

Then on September 13, 2021 the citizen, being invited for interrogation by the investigative body, informed the lawyer about it who again required 1000 USD tantamount to 491.880 AMD which the woman gave her.

Later the citizen found out through relevant requests that on September 23, 2021 her daughter had been taken to the Republic of Georgia, then to UAE, Sharjah and then to Dubai and she informed the lawyer about it. The latter sent her messages via application “WhatsApp” and told her by cheating as if there are persons who could find the child at sheikhs’ level and regulate her return and required 2.000.000 AMD for it. After a while she informed that they should leave for Dubai but their partners in Dubai found it advisable to go there after the holidays in January, 2023 but before that the amount of 2.000.000 AMD should be transferred to their partners. Being at a loss, the citizen agreed with the proposal and on several days in December, 2022 she transferred the mentioned money to the lawyer part by part.

Then the lawyer required from the woman 2500 USD, as well for the tickets, hotel and visa to leave for Dubai which the latter paid, too.

After it on March 10, 2023 the lawyer left for Dubai with the citizen where she assured as if some people were engaged with the mentioned problem and her daughter was in Dubai. Whereas, the woman found out that her daughter had left for the Republic of Turkey from Dubai in May, 2022.

On March 14 they returned to Armenia not resolving the obligation to return the minor child to the mother. Thus the lawyer, in a group, stole 5.122.150 AMD, in total, from the citizen causing her pecuniary damage in particularly large amount.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence public criminal prosecution was initiated against the lawyer and charge was pressed against her according to the Point 3 of the Part 3 of the Article 255 of RA Criminal Code which corresponds to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 178 of RA Criminal Code.

The latter was arrested on the base to be taken to court. A motion was submitted to court to choose detention as a pretrial measure against her.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.